Ready To Drink
Available in 16 oz. Bottles and 64 oz. Cartons

Coffee Horchata
- Arabica Coffee
- Korintje Cinnamon
- Vanilla
- Non-Dairy Creamer

Rica Horchata
- Korintje Cinnamon
- Vanilla
- Lactose Free
- Rice Flour

Rica Jamaica
- Hibiscus Flower
- Natural Sweeteners
- Freshly Brewed and Strained
- Pasteurized

Rico Melon
- Cantaloupe Beverage
- Natural and Artificial Flavor
- Real Sugar
Ask for Rica Horchata in your local market for a convenient 64oz take home size!

Contact Us

The Refreshing Taste of Quality ™
Call Us
(909) 392-7500
Toll Free: (800) 501-4558